E-Booking Platform

Need to make a booking outside office hours? Take control and book your Air France and KLM shipments yourself. Quick, easy and anytime you like via our booking portals: myCargo and Cargo Portal Services (CPS). Your local Customer Service representatives are always at your disposal to assist with making online bookings.

Quote and Book (myCargo)

As a part of your Personal Portal myCargo, we have myQuotes where you will find Quote and Book.
After creating an account and logging in to myCargo, you can ask for a quote online.
Quote and Book offers you our full range of options. From Monday till Sunday, you have the full picture of flights and our Best Available Rates.
You can book it directly or save it to book it later. If it cannot be booked directly, you will receive a quote in myCargo or via email as PDF.
It is 24/7, fast, easy and you can find all your quotes and bookings in one overview.

Customer Support

Should you have an issue during the e-booking process, please do not hesitate to contact your Customer Support.

Cargo Portal Services (CPS)

CPS is an online booking portal that makes it easier and quicker to book your shipments with us. You can use it to create and update your bookings at any time. Would you like to create multiple bookings, like allotments or pre-bookings? Simply use our easy to use upload sheet and add the air waybills. Your local Customer Service is at your disposal, should you need any help or advice.
CPS also allows you to enter your electronic air waybill data (FWB) online. Easy to use and accessible for everyone! Subscribing is easy and free of charge. Go to www.cargoportalservices.com and click on ‘Register for CPS' in the menu on the left-hand side.

Host to Host direct connection

Not willing to switch to another booking tool? Book directly with AF-KL from your own in-house system. This technique works via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and the Cargo Community System (CCS). All the relevant information for making a booking is sent via a standard message – called a ‘freight forwarding request' – to the internal systems of Air France and KLM.

If you want to implement Host to Host please contact your Air France-KLM Cargo and Martinair Cargo sales representative or your local CSO office to find out if this is technically feasible for you.

Check with your IT department if your company can send FFR messages real-time, at least from level five including the product you want to book via the PID field and your URN code via the CUS field.
Go to  myCargo for quote and book