Re-assignment statement now available in myCargo

InnovationNov - 16, 2022

Although we make every effort to deliver the best possible quality, sometimes a shipment may be delayed. When that happens, our customer needs up-to-date, accurate information, 24/7.

As a carrier, we are but one link in the logistics chain. When a shipment is delayed, we notify our customer, who will then want to notify their customers in the chain. For example, if we are transporting an important component for a machine that is standing idle, the shipping company and the recipient want to know about the delay immediately, what caused it, and when the shipment will ultimately arrive.

Until now, customers checking myCargo could tell that something was wrong with their shipment, but no details were provided. That meant that they were obliged to contact Customer Service (CS) and – in view of our opening hours – wait for a response before they could notify the relevant parties in the chain.

Recently, all this has been changed for the better. Today, in the event of a delay (offload), customers will be able to download a re-assignment statement from myCargo providing the following information:

· cause of delay;
· latest expected re-assignment time;
· new expected “ready for pick-up” time.

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