A new CSR milestone

Improving togetherJun - 26, 2015
For the tenth consecutive year, Air France KLM has reached the number-one position as most sustainable airline on the Dow Jones Sustainablility index. We are industry group leader in the Transportation category for the sixth time.

Corporate Social Responsibility is very important to us. Last year KLM operated 20 flights from Amsterdam to Aruba and Bonaire on sustainable biofuel, while the Air France fuel plan resulted in 126,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions being saved. In the joint cargo area, we introduced a new lightweight pallet in 2014 to complement the existing lightweight AKEs and pallet nets. We also reduced the amount of paper by making more and more stations eligible for electronic AWBs. And 2015 started even more sustainably with the introduction of e-Fast delivery at Amsterdam Schiphol.

For more information please visit our Cargo Corporate Social responsibility webpage and check our corporate social responsibility report.
