Why digital check-in at KLM?

Air France KLM aims to make the operational cargo handling more efficient by making the process more efficient. An important part of this efficiency is the digital check-in. This ensures a faster operational process for all supply chain partners. The digital check-in via eLink (a Cargonaut system) enables a faster cargo handling process. In the air cargo industry still a lot of paper is being used. With the digital check-in, an important part of this paperwork is digitized.

What is the main advantage of digital check-in via eLink for customers?

Speed and a more efficient operational process. Thanks to the digital check-in, time-saving will be realized for all supply chain parties.

What is the scope of the digital check-in at KLM?

The scope of the digital check-in is all export cargo by handler KLM from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. Also shipments with an onward connection with KLM partner flights (i.e. Air France or Delta Air Lines) can be checked-in digitally. This service is not yet available at other stations than Amsterdam.

All cargo products can be digitally checked-in, except Live Animals & Valuables. These products may be added in the future to the service.

In case I do not use the digital check-in, can I still deliver export cargo to KLM?

In case a forwarder or trucking company does not use the digital check-in, the export delivery can still be done at KLM. In that case there is considerably more time needed at cargo acceptance, such as for the documentation process.

What should I do to ensure a successful eLink trip when delivering export cargo at KLM?

To ensure a seamless delivery process with eLink at KLM, you need to:

  • Make an eLink visit to prepare the preannouncement (in eLink).
  • Send your FWB´s (digitally) prior to arrival to KLM and Cargonaut and receive a FMA confirmation from KLM.
  • In eLink you can check whether all eLink indicators show the green status. For KLM also the code EAP or EAW needs to be filled in, in order to experience the benefits of time saving. For shipments without pouch (=EAW), the truck driver can go straight to the KLM warehouse, after swipe at the security lodge, after which the driver enjoys maximum time saving without any stop at Documentation.

Make an eLink trip: fill in the truck driver name and truck plate number and preannounce the trip

Who at KLM can I contact in case I have questions about KLM Digital check-in/ eLink?

For questions on KLM eLink, you can contact our customer service department, or contact your KLM Account Manager.